Thursday, August 8, 2013


I've decided to write about some of the things I tool around with. It all started when my friends kept telling me to put some of the things I do up onto Pinterest. As a teacher who lives for the motto: "Beg, Borrow, and Steal" I figured, "Heck, I may as well share some of my crafty ideas."

I'm a 30 something teacher from Colorado who lives with my husband and two miniature schnauzer's, Eddy and Morgan. I not only love teaching writing, but I  also love writing. Here is a way for me to write "for fun." Since this is more of a free write setting for me, my editing and revising is not taken seriously. So all you grammar addicts and editors out there...back off! This is just for you to take in the goodness that are the crazy ideas in my head coming to life.



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